The biggest award we have is when a customer has success. Right now, that usually means they found DNA material that helped them move a case forward. It is also great to be recognized for our efforts by others. Here are some of the awards we have been given.
Mayor's Excellence Award 2020 - Sandy City Peak Awards
Innovation Award Winner 2016: Mechanical Systems, Chemical & Manufacturing - Utah Innovation Awards
Innovation Award Finalist 2014: Mechanical Systems, Chemical & Manufacturing - Utah Innovation Awards
Most Innovative Product 2013 - Utah Valley Entrepreneurs' Forum
Food Safety Innovation Award 2008 - International Association of Food Protection (IAFP)
Innovation of the Year Finalist 2008: Commercialization Technology - Idaho Innovation Awards
Innovator of the Year Finalist 2008: Bruce J Bradley, CEO - Idaho Innovation Awards
Innovation of the Year Finalist 2007: Agricultural & Environmental - Idaho Innovation Awards